A coloured pencil drawing that contains a circle divided into four quarters. Each quarter is shaded a different colour (red, green, brown and black), and contains a smaller circle within which is drawn a flower. The word strength is written above the large circle, while the word beauty is written below.

Artist Statement:

Every hour at least one man takes his own life from being under too much pressure. A man is supposed to be the strengths in every family, the bread winner, the one who listens to everyone else’s problems and never complains about his own cause that would be weakness and men don’t show that. Truth is a lot of men are just as fragile as some women and some woman are just as strong as some of the toughest men, yet the weaker man is still under all the pressure to be just as strong as his stronger acquaintances and for woman it’s beauty. If you’re a woman and your not beautiful life can be just as cruel. I think this world would be amazing if people stopped judging people by a gender bias and just accept people as they are. Men don’t all need to be Hercules and women don’t all need to be Barbie. My art displays strength and beauty. The big circle represents the strong and beautiful mother Earth. The four sub circles represent things the earth needs too sustain life: the sun, the moon, the lands and the oceans and the things they all do separately to pitch in. The flower shaped things in the middle of the circles represent blooming life. When you allow a person to express every side of themselves you get a really strong and beautiful personality.

30 year old male from Hamilton.